Human Resources Digital System

"Managing organizations, be it private or public, is about managing the human resources, the single most important resource that an organization can have. This function is becoming ever more challenging and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. It is therefore incumbent on organizations to bring to bear more on evident based decision making in managing this function. Customizing the talent requirements to the best possible function of the organization can only result in highly desirable performance. Systems that captures and support decision making from recruitment to succession planning and placement will bring this HR function into the IR4.0 era."

This is the system that manages job information including the importance of the post in achieving the organizational strategic goals, knowledge, skills together with the experience and academic qualifications required by the post.

This refers to the organizational Management training system that displays monthly and yearly training calendars, online application for relevant courses, information regarding collection of CPD points of the respective departments, data regarding the collection of CPD points according to the type of competency.

This is a separate, unique and diversified succession plan comprising self-assessment, performance analysis evaluation and a 360 degree feedback plan. This system attempts to produce individual analytics and profiles, group profiles, leadership styles, competency gap analysis and the ‘9 box leadership quadrant’

MyHR is a dashboard monitoring system to monitor the performance at macro and micro level. MyHR is built using a web based system and realtime data which can help the HR Managers in monitoring the progress or status of strategic initiatives.

Flexi Attendance System